Gay and lesbian studies

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Utrecht students and teachers make homosexuality visible

For sixteen years, from 1982 to 1998, Utrecht University had a thriving working group on gay and lesbian studies. At its peak, there were about 25 employees who published many research reports over the years. The initiative for the working group dates back to 1978, when students and staff took action out of dissatisfaction with the invisibility of homosexuality at the university.

Starting in 1978

In February 1978, the first meeting of gay and lesbian students and staff took place in Amsterdam. The 70 participants came from both Amsterdam universities. They wanted gays and lesbians at universities to ‘stand up for their own rights and each other’ and they believed that homosexuality should be given a full place as a theme for research and education. Because if attention was paid to it at all, as in psychiatry or psychology, then homosexuality was regarded as an abnormality or developmental disorder.
That same year, the Amsterdam initiative was followed by the University of Utrecht, followed later by other universities. Amsterdam and Utrecht students founded the magazine Homologie in October 1978, which would last for 20 years, and a Documentatiecentrum Homostudies (Gay Studies Documentation Centre) was set up in Amsterdam, forerunner of what is now IHLIA, the LGBTI+ heritage organisation.


In Utrecht it all started with a ‘faggot inn’ organized by sociology students, followed by ‘gay studies’ meetings at other departments. Not everyone was happy about that. In some courses, students were not allowed to put up posters and in others they were removed by strangers.
In contrast to Amsterdam, teachers in Utrecht were also involved in the initiatives, such as sexology teacher Lex van Naerssen. While the faculties considered separate attention for gay and lesbian studies unnecessary, the students and lecturers were supported by the University Council. In 1982, he made money available to appoint Judith Schuyf as coordinator. With her appointment, an important role was reserved for lesbian women from the start.
That same year, the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences reluctantly agreed to the establishment of an Interfaculty Gay Studies Working Group (Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies). And money was made available to develop an education and research programme. Three years later, there were thirteen paid staff members (7.5 full-time positions) and by the end of the eighties there were 25.
In the beginning, the term ‘gay studies’ was also used for lesbian studies, which says something about the relations at the time. Many lesbian women felt more at home in women’s and later gender studies. Unlike in Amsterdam, where a separate men’s and women’s group emerged, gay studies in Utrecht remained mixed. Concepts such as ‘queer’ or ‘lgbti+ studies’ were only introduced in the 21st century.


In Amsterdam the emphasis in research and education was mainly on the historical, social and cultural construction of homosexuality. In Utrecht it was much more about the current social position of gay men and lesbian women, in addition to historical research. A great deal of applied research took place that could contribute to the policy of the government and other organisations. They also contributed to the funding of the research.


In the sixteen years that the working group existed, many studies have been published, including in its own publication series Homostudies Utrecht. In the first years the emphasis was on discrimination and the Equal Treatment Act, later studies dealt with issues such as sexual identity development, lesbian relationships, lesbian motherhood, safe and unsafe sex among men, AIDS, the early history of the COC and lesbian and gay elderly.

Dissertation Rob Tielman

From 1982 to 1992, Rob Tielman was the chairman of the interfaculty working group. 1982 was also the year that he obtained his doctorate in Utrecht on the much-discussed research Homosexuality in the Netherlands, study of an emancipation movement ((Homoseksualiteit in Nederland, studie van een emancipatiebeweging).  His successor Theo Sandfort conducted doctoral research into how early sexual experiences affect later life (1988). Judith Schuyf (1994, on lesbian life in the Netherlands 1920-1970) and Pieter Koenders (1996, on combating immorality, in particular homosexuality, 1845-1955) are among the other working group members who obtained their PhDs on ‘gay studies’ research. In the 1990s, the working group lost its own status and became a ‘task group’ that ultimately failed to gain an organizational foothold. In the meantime, interest on the part of the students had also declined sharply. The working group was disbanded in 1998.

Maurice van Lieshout




Gert Hekma en Theo van der Meer, ‘Gay and Lesbian Studies in the Netherlands’, in: Henry L. Minton (ed), Gay and Lesbian Studies (New York etc. 1992) 125-136.

Homologie jaargangen 1-4 (1978-1981)

Judith Schuyf, ‘Ontwikkelingen binnen het onderzoeksprogramma van de Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies in Utrecht’, in: Kongresboek van de vierde jaarmarkt voor lesbische en homostudies op vrijdag 12 april 1985 (Rotterdam 1985) 72-75.

Rob Tielman, Homoseksualiteit in Nederland. Studie van een emancipatiebeweging. (Meppel, 1982).

Rob Tielman, Humanisme als zelfbeschikking. Levensherinneringen van een homohumanist (Breda 2016).

Utrechts Universiteitsblad 24 november 1978, 26 oktober 1979, 17 juni 1999.


Publication series Homostudies Utrecht


  1. Marianne Hoogma, Wet en Werkelijkheid. Literatuuronderzoek naar de voorwaarden waaronder een Wet Gelijke Behandeling optimaal kan functioneren (Law and Reality. Literature study into the conditions under which an Equal Treatment Act can function optimally). 1984
  2. Cees Waaldijk, Rob Tielman. Grondrechtenafweging en de Wet Gelijke Behandeling. Een model en een toepassing (Fundamental rights assessment and the Equal Treatment Act. A model and an application). 1984
  3. Marion Dobbeling, Pieter Koenders. Het topje van de ijsberg. Inventarisatie van tien jaar discriminatie op grond van homoseksualiteit en leefvorm (The tip of the iceberg. Inventory of ten years of discrimination on the basis of homosexuality and lifestyle.). 1984
  4. Edwin Bakker, Judith Schuyf (red.). Homoseksualiteit en de media. Verslag van een studiedag georganiseerd door Homo RTV Urania en Homostudies Utrecht (Homosexuality and the media. Report of a study day organized by Gay RTV Urania and Gay Studies Utrecht). 1985
  5. Ans van Ginhoven, Marianne Hoogma. Gelijk krijgen is de kunstEen onderzoek naar het functioneren van commissies gelijke behandeling in verschillende landen (Getting it right is the art. A study into the functioning of equal treatment commissions in different countries). 1985
  6. Jan Aandewiel, Theo van Soerland, Peter van Weert. Politie en homoseksualiteit (Police and homosexuality). 1985
  7. Karlein Schreurs. Het is maar hoe je bekijkt. Een onderzoek naar identiteit en subcultuur bij lesbische vrouwen uit Groep 7152 (It’s just how you look. A study of identity and subculture of lesbian women from Groep 7152). 1986
  8. Klaas Soesbeek. Homomannen buiten het homowereldje (Gay men outside the gay world). 1986
  9. Bert van Steenderen. Homo worden, Homo zijn. Een onderzoek naar de vormgeving van een homoseksuele identiteit bij jongens (Becoming gay. Being gay. An investigation into the shaping of a homosexual identity in boys). 1987
  10. Hans Warmerdam, Pieter Koenders. Cultuur en ontspanning. Het COC 1946-1966 (Culture and relaxation. The COC 1946-1966). 1988
  11. Thijs Maasen. De pedagogische eros in het geding. Gustav Wyneken en de pedagogische vriendschap in de Freie Schulgemeinde Wickersdorf tussen 1906-1931 (The pedagogical eros at stake. Gustav Wyneken and the pedagogical friendship in the Freie Schulgemeinde Wickersdorf between 1906-1931). 1988
  12. Rob Tielman, Evert van der Veen (red.). Second ILGA Pink Book. A Global View of Lesbian and Gay Liberation and Oppression. 1988
  13. Theo Sandfort. Het belang van de ervaring. Over seksuele contacten in de vroege jeugdjaren en seksueel gedrag en beleven op latere leeftijd (The importance of the experience. About sexual contacts in early childhood and sexual behavior and experience later in life). 1988
  14. Jeanette Geerlings, Marion van der Meer. Lesbisch moederschap, praktijk en theorie (Lesbian motherhood, practice and theory). 1989
  15. Astrid Mattijssen, Martin Moerings (red.). Wet gelijke behandeling in perspektief (Equal treatment law in perspective). 1989
  16. Agnes van Wijnen, Annemieke van Brandenburg, Rob Tielman. Homo’s met een handicap bestaan niet (Gays with disabilities do not exist). 1990
  17. Michal Dallas. Onveilige seks bij homomannen (Unsafe sex among gay men). 1990
  18. Karlein Schreurs. Vrouwen in lesbische relaties. Verbondenheid, autonomie en seksualiteit (Women in lesbian relationships. Connectedness, autonomy and sexuality). 1990
  19. Wouter Geurtsen, Annet Hofmeijer, Ton Zondervan. Homo of hetero, gezegend ben je! Remonstranten over huwelijk en andere relatievormen (Gay or straight, blessed are you! Remonstrants on marriage and other forms of relationship). 1991
  20. Adrianne Dercksen, Marty van Kerkhof, Astrid Mattijssen, Theo Sandfort, Evert van der Veen (red.). Tolerantie onder NAP. 20 essays over homoseksualiteit voor Rob Tielman (Tolerance below sea level. 20 essays on homosexuality for Rob Tielman). 1992
  21. Diana van Oort. (On)zichtbaar (seksueel) geweld tegen lesbische vrouwen en meisjes ((In)visible (sexual) violence against lesbian women and girls). 1993
  22. Niels Teunis, John de Wit, Theo Sandfort. Voor een half uurtje lol ga ik geen risico lopen. Homoseksuele mannen en veilig vrijen (For half an hour of fun I’m not going to risk it. Homosexual men and safe sex). 1993
  23. C.J. Hoekzema, Miriam van Hooren, Theo Sandfort. Vrijen met je sokken aan. Homoseksuele mannen en condoomgebruik (Make love with your socks on. Homosexual men and condom use). 1993
  24. Klaas Soesbeek, Letty Bonfrere. Zouden ze bestaan?! Homoseksualiteit en ouder worden (Would they exist?! Homosexuality and aging). 1993
  25. Eline Stroes, Henny Bos, Theo Sandfort. Lesbische vrouwen en AIDS. Van solidariteit tot persoonlijke bezorgdheid (Lesbian women and AIDS. From solidarity to personal concern). 1994
  26. Carla Jonker, Theo Sandfort, Desirée Schyns. Lesbisch zijn in Nederland. Over vormgeving en bejegening in publieke situaties (Being a lesbian in the Netherlands. About lifestyle and treatment in public situations). 1994
  27. Peter Dankmeijer. Vies niet, homo wel! Ervaringen van homo- en lesbische docenten (Not dirty but gay! Experiences of gay and lesbian teachers). 1994
  28. Evert van der Veen, Adrianne Dercksen. Het steekt van tijd tot tijd de kop op. Homodiscriminatie in de jaren tachtig (It pops up from time to time. Discrimination because of homosexuality in the 1980s). 1994
  29. Theo Sandfort, Ernest de Vroome. Homoseksuele mannen en ‘gewone’ SOA (Homosexual men and ‘ordinary’ STD). 1996
  30. Judith Schuyf. Oud Roze. De positie van lesbische en homoseksuele ouderen in Nederland (Old pink. The position of lesbian and gay elderly in the Netherlands). 1996
  31. Vera Adriaanse e.a. Homo/lesbo worden. Aanbod van De Kringen en achtergronden van deelnemers (Become gay/lesbian. Services offered by gay & lesbian organization De Kringen and backgrounds of its participants). 1996

Books Homostudies Utrecht published by Veen, Utrecht/Antwerp:

  1. Petra Schedler, Judith Schuyf, Klaas Soesbeek (red.). Homoseksualiteit in beeld. Radio, televisie, schrijvende pers, reclame (Homosexuality in the picture. Radio, television, written press, advertising). 1989
  2. Lex van Naerssen. Labyrint zonder muren. Analyse van het seksueel verlangen (Labyrinth without walls. Analysis of sexual desire). 1989
  3. Marty van Kerkhof, Theo Sandfort, Rob Geensen. Als je het nou van hard werken kreeg! Tien jaar aids en homocultuur (If only you got it from hard work! Ten years of AIDS and gay culture). 1991

Brochure series on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the University of Utrecht:

  1. Jan Bour, Ria Gresnigt, Rob Tielman. Homoseksualiteit en onderwijs (Homosexuality and education). 1986
  2. Joop Keegel, Rob Tielman. Homoseksueel ouderschap (Homosexual parenting). 1986
  3. Jaap Gerlof, Rob Tielman. Hebben homo’s ouders? (Do gays have parents?) 1986

The latest update of this window: May 10, 2023